These are some of my esteemed holiday works; more to come. Also see Gallery of Dia de Los Muertos paintings, and for Valentine's Day themed paintings, see Gallery of Nudes.

The original of this is sold, however prints are available on canvas, in 18" x 24" for $150, or on paper, matted to 11" x 14" for $20. Also available as Christmas cards!

The original of this is sold, however prints are available on canvas, in 18" x 24" for $150, or on paper, matted to 11" x 14" for $20. Also available as Christmas cards!

This is an 11" x 14" painting of an ornament I envisioned. $140. I am also making Christmas cards from it, and ornaments as well.

This 8" x 24" painting of Santa and his reindeer has whimsical trees, a snowy sky, and sparkling glittery snow on the ground. SOLD.

Available on Zazzle:

Available on Zazzle:

Available on Zazzle:

Available on Zazzle:

This original work is SOLD. (18" x 24" for $300). Inquire for prints.